The Endure PRocess
#1 by Freepik - Flaticon

MLO meets with borrower and obtains Initial Loan Package.

#2 by Freepik - Flaticon

MLO submits to lender of choice or Endure assists.

#3 by Freepik - Flaticon

MLO sends loan package to Endure and we take over from here:

- Contacting customer
- Ordering documentation
- Obtaining documentation
- Liaison with lender all the way to funding!!!

Services offerred

Standard Processing

Qualified Mortgage/Conforming. Lender Selected

Non-Standard Processing

Non-QM, FHA, VA, Jumbo. Lender Selected

Pre-Underwriting & Processing

Prior to Lender Submission. Endure will review borrowers loan package in order to access & obtain documentation needed prior to submitting loan to a selected Lender

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